Rug Fringing Services in Seattle, WA

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Do the rugs in your home feel like they’re missing a certain something? If you’re struggling to pin down the je ne sais quoi they need, our rug fringing services in Seattle might be the solution! D.A. Burns & Sons has been turning ordinary rugs into striking design elements for nearly a century, and now we’re ready to help you, too!

image of a fringe rug

Why Everyone’s Talking About Rug Fringing

Rug fringing is making a comeback, and it has everyone talking. Not only does it add a touch of sophistication and authenticity to rugs, but it also gives them a timeless and finished look that never goes out of style. Whether you have a handwoven, oriental, or modern rug, adding fringe can instantly enhance its visual appeal.

Custom vs. Pre-Manufactured Rug Fringes

While custom fringing allows for complete personalization, it can be more time-consuming and expensive. On the other hand, pre-manufactured rug fringes provide a cost-effective and efficient option that typically looks just as good, if not better. At D.A. Burns & Sons, our wide selection of pre-manufactured fringes in Seattle ensures that you will find the perfect match for your rug, saving you time and money.

image of a fringe rug
image of a fringe rug

Different Types of Fringes We Offer

We understand that each rug is unique, which is why we offer a variety of fringing options to match your specific style and preferences. Our range includes brush, small knot, large knot, and double knot fringes in various colors and materials. Whether you want to maintain a traditional look or add a contemporary twist to your rug, we have the ideal fringe to complement its design.

The Best Rug Fringing on the West Coast

D.A. Burns & Sons has earned a reputation as the go-to destination for the best rug fringing services on the West Coast. With over 80 years of experience in the industry, our team of skilled craftsmen pays meticulous attention to every detail. From selecting the right fringe to expertly sewing it onto your rug, we ensure a flawless and durable finish that will exceed your expectations.

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Revamp Your Rugs Today!

Contact us today to transform your ordinary rugs into extraordinary pieces that will enhance the beauty of your space. Schedule an appointment and discover the amazing potential of our rug fringing services in Seattle!